Vogue – Code Red
PhotographyVogue – Code RedYan Yugay
Marc o'Polo
DirectorMarc o'PoloYan Yugay
Title of project 2
PhotographyTitle of project 2Name Lastname 2
Vogue Russia – Code Red
PhotographyVogue Russia – Code Red Yan Yugay
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Art to eat
PhotographyArt to eatYan Yugay
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Music Video
CinematographerMusic VideoKirill Groshev
Meyy around you
CinematographerMeyy around youGleb Kurochkin
Lake of Hope
PhotographyLake of HopeYan Yugay
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Title of the project
TestTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname
Title of the project
PhotographyTitle of the projectNaaaame Lastname